3 December 2020
The Form Workflow Plus sidebar becomes blank when you switch to another browser tab then return to the Google Sheet. This is a known Google issue and currently experienced by other Google Workspace add-ons. We'll post updates once a fix has been issued.
7 October 2020
We are aware of an issue wherein the Form Workflow Plus add-on does not load for newly created Google Sheets. This does not affect those sheets where the add-on was successfully run prior to today. Active workflows should also work fine. This is a known issue on Google's end and we're waiting for a fix to be issued.
17 July 2020
Setting Final notification > specify column header with multiple comma-separated email addresses (i.e., email1, email2, email3) does not work. Advanced tab > Final notification > specify column header will only work if there is one email address in the column selected. Supporting multiple comma-separated email addresses will be released Q3, 2020
1 Apr 2020
We've identified an issue wherein AppScript fails to call the Form Workflow Plus add-on upon form submission. As a result, requests are not automatically routed to their reviewers. This happens intermittently and affects random users. Rest assured we're investigating this and actively looking for a permanent fix. The current workaround is to process requests manually as described in this article: How to process manually?
Note: Routing requests manually disables sending them back to the requester.
27 Nov 2019
Google has finally re-verified Form Workflow Plus and users should no longer see "Sign in with Google temporarily disabled" nor "This app isn't verified" error messages.
Thank you for your patience and trust in us.
22 Nov 2019
Several customers have reported being unable to install the Form Workflow Plus add-on or run it.
We are looking into this as a matter of priority, as we have been using Google Sign-in since we launched Form Workflow Plus.
If you are unable to access, please try to run the Form Workflow Plus Add-on from a computer or account that has already accepted permissions.
We are currently working with Google to resolve the issue.
If instead you encounter a "This app is unverified" error, this is related to us going through the verification process again due to deploying a new version of our app. Simply click on "Advanced" and proceed with using Form Workflow Plus to continue using it.
You can read more details on our blog.
18 Nov 2019
It’s come to our attention that as of October 28, 2019, any Form Workflow Plus workflow creators installing the add-on on a new device are now getting a message saying “This app isn’t verified” similar to the screenshot below:
Despite Form Workflow Plus using the same scopes since the beginning, and was originally verified, Google has identified that the ContactsApp API is now classified as a sensitive scope and thus the app needs to be reviewed again for verification.
Form Workflow Plus uses the ContactsApp API when adding reviewers during the setup of steps and conditions so that it auto-completes, as a convenience to the user.
Since this is now a sensitive scope, we will be removing this and no longer ask for permissions to access the workflow creator’s contacts. This will then be submitted to Google for review, which is expected to be completed within 3-5 days, depending on Google’s turnaround time.
More on our blog post
Form Workflow Plus Scheduled Maintenance, Saturday July 13, 2019 1am UTC
We want to make you aware that there will be scheduled downtime this weekend starting Saturday (7/13) at 1am UTC. We expect downtime to last 48hr. We will use this time to bring you a better version of Form Workflow Plus.
This new version will bring you significant value with:
- A brand new web interface with a much better User Experience
- The possibility to invite co-workers to create their own Workflows
- Coming soon - A new mobile App, and more
During this maintenance window, we will be upgrading to the new Form Workflow Plus app. The service will be inaccessible while we upgrade.
What you need to know:
- Requesters will be able to submit forms, as usual
- Workflows will not be started for requests submitted during upgrade
- Requests submitted for approval during upgrade will need to be processed manually from the addon, after upgrade
- Reviewers will need to process pending requests on the new application, after upgrade
The upgrade should be seamless for you. All your workflows and workflow settings will be on the new application dashboard, including all “Waiting for approvals”. Your spreadsheet collecting Form Responses will not be affected by the upgrade and its content will stay unchanged.
23 May 2019
update 6:20pm (GMT-7)
Requests submitted for approval with the message "Not processed, an error occurred" on your spreadsheet will generate a Request ID on the dashboard. Please email us support@wizy.io to request that these Request IDs be deleted from the dashboard.
What is happening?
Conditional approvals have been erased from the database on all Approval Steps. Our developers are currently investigating how this could have happened
When I requester submits a Google Form, FW - Status Step column will display "Not processed, an error occurred"
What's the work-around?
1. Click on "Reset default settings" to setup your Approval steps again.
21 Feb 2019 - FIXED - Request ID "FW-ID" deleted from dashboard February 23, 2019
What is happening?
Requests with blank submissions and Request ID "FW-ID"
Requests that have blank submissions and Request ID "FW-ID" should not be processed. These will be removed from the dashboard shortly.
If a reviewer does act on one of these blank submissions, Form Workflow Plus technical columns will change:
What's the work-around?
If this has happened, please paste the correct Form Workflow Plus technical columns onto your spreadsheet. If a new Request has been submitted for approval with incorrect technical columns, these will need to be processed manually.
Form Workflow Plus technical columns should be as follows:
FW-ID (hidden column) - FW-Status Step 1 - FW-Comment Step 1 - FW-Date Step 1, etc....
Please delete any duplicates or non useful columns from your spreadsheet.
There should only be one header column each on your spreadsheet, eg "FW - status step 1". If there are 2, please copy any data from cells in the 2nd "FW - status step 1" column on the right to the 1st one next to FW-ID column. If technical columns are mixed up you can move them to the correct order. It won't affect your workflow.
Once you have corrected Form Workflow Plus technical columns and manually processed "Not Processed" requests, turn Workflow Activation OFF then ON. This will automate all future requests.
If your cannot get your workflow to work properly after correcting Form Workflow Plus technical columns please link your Google Form to a new spreadsheet
20 Feb 2019 - FIXED - Form Workflow Plus Version: 87 - Updated: February 20, 2019
Due to recent changes at Google, some users may find their Form Workflow Plus spreadsheet affected.
We have identified the bug and fixed it. It is pending Google live release
What is happening?
Form Workflow Plus technical column "FW - Status Step 1" is being replaced with the words "Waiting for approval" each time a new form is submitted.
As Form Workflow Plus will not recognise this column header the workflow will not start automatically.
What's the work-around?
1/ paste the words "FW - Status Step 1" in the Form Workflow Plus technical column header that says "Waiting for approval", to the right of the hidden column with Request ID numbers
You should only have one column that says "Waiting for approval". If there are many, please delete them, keeping only the column to the right of "FW-ID" hidden column.
2/ "Refresh" Form Workflow Plus sidebar
Please ensure all unwanted columns (eg. extra "Waiting for approval" columns that may appear on the far right of your spreadsheet) are deleted before you process manually.
3/ Press "Not Processed" to generate a FW - ID number and send a Request or approval email to the reviewers.
The above steps will need to be repeated each time a Google Form is submitted for approval
Related articles:
We hope that Google will resolve their Bug shortly. We apologise for the inconvenience and will keep you posted shortly
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